Flip - Flops

The basic difference between a latch and a flip-flop is a gating or clocking mechanism. In Simple words, Flip Flop is edge-triggered and a latch is level triggered.

S-R Flip Flop

This simple flip-flop circuit has a set input (S) and a reset input (R). In this system, when you Set “S” as active the output “Q” would be high and “Q‘” will be low. Once the outputs are established, the wiring of the circuit is maintained until “S” or “R” go high, or power is turned off. As shown above, it is the simplest and easiest to understand. The two outputs, as shown above, are the inverse of each other.

Truth Table for S-R Flip flop

Simulation of S-R Flip flop

J-K Flip flop

The JK Flip-flop is similar to the SR Flip-flop but there is no change in state when the J and K inputs are both LOW.

Truth Table for J-K Flip Flop

Simulation for J-K Flip Flop


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