Encoders & Decoders


Encoder is a combinational circuit which have multiple inputs and multiple outputs circuit. If we have n number of inputs we can get n = 2m. So number of outputs are equal to9 m.
         Example: number of inputs are 4; 4 = 22. So number of outputs are 2.

There are 4 types of encoders.
  1. Priority Encoder
  2. Decimal to BCD Encoder
  3. Octal to Binary Encoder
  4. Hexadecimal to Binary Encoder

Priority Encoder

Priority Encoders take all of their data inputs one at a time and converts them into an equivalent binary code at its output.

4 to 2 Bit Binary encoder & Truth table

Simulation of 4 tot 2 encoder

vid here


Decoder is a combinational circuit which have multiple inputs and multiple outputs circuit. It decodes n inputs into 2n outputs.
Example: number of inputs are 2, number of outputs are 22 = 4.

E is used to enable or disable the circuit. If E = 0, the circuit is disabled and if E = 1, the circuit is abled.

2 to 4 Binary Decoder & Truth table

2 to 4 Binary Decoder Simulation


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